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Name : Dr. (Mrs.) Pratibha Srivastava
Designation : Scientist – D
Brief Background :
Brief Background:Completed a Ph.D. in the field of Synthetic Chemistry. Recognized Guide in Chemistry and Biotechnology from Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
Synthetic and Natural Product Chemistry, Animal Cell Culture related experiments,Computation modelling and MD Simulations with Chimera, NAMD, VMD and Amber Software.Collaborative work with NCL, Pune, IIT Roorkee, IIT Guwahati.Proteomics Training from FAES (Foundation for Advanced Educations in the Sciences) National Institute of Health, USA, Member of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK AMRSC 651729, Member of American Chemical Society. USA 31878340
Contact Details :
- Post Graduation: 1993, Lucknow University, Lucknow
- Research Associateship (CSIR): 2000-2001, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi.
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship: 2001-2004, National Institute of Health, Maryland, USA
Natural product molecules have panoply for the benefit of humankind and the environment. We are focusing on the synthesis of natural product molecules and theiranalogs, which play important role in biology and medicine, serving as pharmaceutical leads, drugs, and powerful reagents in scientific research. Although research and methodologies in such disciplines have evolved to solve unique problems. The search for new routes and novel molecules contains its own dignity and rewardful opportunities, which will never be gloomy in the future time. Therefore, we are interested to develop new molecules based on naturally active pharmacophores and to understand the mechanism of action in cancer biology and infectious diseases.
- Puranik,N.V., Ruchi Rani, Vedita A. Singh, Tomar S., Puntambekar H.M., Srivastava, P,Evaluation of the antiviral potential of halogenated dihydrorugosaflavonoids and molecular modelling with nsP3 protein of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). (ACS Omega,2019, 4,20335-20345).
- Puranik,N.V., Srivastava, P., Bhatt, G., Dixcy, J. S. J. M., Limaye, A. M., Sivaraman, J., Determination and analysis of agonist and antagonist potential of naturally occurring flavones for estrogen receptors (ERα) by various parameters and molecular modelling approach. (Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 7450)
- Puranik N. V. and Srivastava, P., Swamy S, Chowdhary, A. Sarkar, D. Molecular modelling studies and in vitro screening of dihydro rugosaflavonoid and its derivatives against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 10634-10643.
- Puranik N. V. and Srivastava, P. First synthesis of rugosaflavonoid and its derivatives and their activity against breast cancer. SC Advance 2017, 7, 33052-33060.
- Puranik, N. V. Puntambekar, H. M. SrivastavaP., Antidiabetic potential and enzyme kinetics of benzothiazole derivatives and their non-bonded interactions with a-glucosidase and α-amylase. Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2016, 25, 805-815.
- Srivastava P., Renuka S. Wagh, Ninad V. Puranik, Raut, H. N. Puntambekar, H. M. Sheetal S. JahagirdarDhakephalkar P.K., In vitro plasmid curing activity of aqueous extract of terminalia chebulafruit against plasmids of bacillus subtilis and shigella sonnei, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2015, 7, 298-301
- Srivastava P., Raut, H. M. Puntambekar, H. M., Desai, A. HPLC Analysis of Phyllanthus amarusSamples Stored in Stability Chambers under Different Conditions and Study of the Effect on Quantification of the PhytomarkersPhyllanthin and Hypophyllanthin.ActaChromatographica. 2015, 27, 147-156.
- Srivastava P., Raut, H. N. Puntambekar, H. M., Desai, A. Stability study of crude plant material of Bacopa monnieri and quantitative determination of bacopaside I and bacoside A by HPLC. Phytochemical Analysis, 2012, 23, 502-507
- Srivastava P., Raut, H. N. Wagh, R. S. Puntambekar, H. M., Kulkarni, M. J. Purification and characterization of an antioxidant protein (~16 kDa) from Terminalia chebula Food Chemistry. 131, 141-148, 2012.
- Srivastava, P., Raut, H. N., Puntambekar H. N., Desai, A. C. Effect of storage conditions on free radical scavenging activities of crude plant material of Piper longum. Phytology, 3(6), 23-27, 2011.
- Srivastava, P., Raut, H. N., Puntambekar H. N., Desai, A. C. Stability studies of crude plant material of Bacopa monnieriand its effect on free radical scavenging activity. Journal of Phytology 2010, 2(8): 103-109
- Srivastava, P., Wagh, R. S., Naik, D. G. g-Irradiation: A simple route for isomerization of geraniol into nerol and linalool. Radiochemistry, 52(5), 561-564, 2010.
- Miller Jenkins, L. M., Byrd, J. C., Hara, T., Srivastava, P., Mazur, S. J., Stahl, S. J., Inman, J. K., Appella, E., Omichinski, J. G., Legault, P. Studies on the Mechanism of Inactivation of the HIV-1 Nucleocapsid Protein NCp7 with 2-Mercaptobenzamide Thioesters. Med. Chem., 48(8), 2847-2858, 2005.
- Srivastava, P., Schito, M., Fattah, R. J., Hara, T., Hartman, T., Buckheit, Jr. R. W., Turpin, J. A., Inman, J. K., Appella, E.: Optimization of unique, uncharged thioesters as inhibitors of HIV replication. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry 12(24) 6437 – 6450, 2004.
- Ram, V. J., Srivastava, P, Goel, A.: Synthesis of bridgedhead azolo[3,2-a] pyimidines and imidazo[2,1-b]thiazines through ring transfortmation of 2H-pyran-2-ones. Tetrahedron, 59, 7141-7146 2003.
- Agarwal, N., Srivastava, P.: Upadhyay, D. N., Sinha, S., Ram, V. J.: Chloropyrimidines as new class of antimycobacterial agents: Bioorg. Chem.4: 869-74, 2002.
- Ram, V. J., Srivastava, P, Agarwal, N.: One pot synthesis of unsymmetrical biaryls from suitably functionalized 2H-pyran-2-ones through carbanion induced C-C ring transformation reactions: Chem Soc. Perkin Trans 1 1953-1959, 2001.
- Ram, V. J., Srivastava, P., Saxena, A. S.: Carbanion Induced Synthesis of benzthiopyran and benzthiophene through ring transformation of Pyran-2-one: Org. Chem. 66: 5333, 2001.
- Sarkhel, S., Srivastava, P., Saxena, A. S., Shiro, M., Maulik, P. R.: 7-(4-Bromophenyl)-5-cynomethyl-1,3-dimethylpyrido[2,3-d] pyrimidine-2,4-dione. Acta cryst. E57: 408-410, 2001.
- Ram, V. J., Srivastava, P., Agarwal, N.: Carbanion induced synthesise of pyrido[2,1-b] benzothiazoles through ring transformation reactions: Chem. Res (S). 421, 2001
- Ram, V. J, Srivastava, P.: Versatility of Pyran-2-ones as Synthon for the Synthesis of Diverse Arenes and Heteroarenes: Current Org. Chem. 5: 571-599, 2001.
- Sarkhel, S., Srivastava, P., Ram V. J., Maulik, P. R., Broder P.R., Howard J. K., A highly functionalized ferrocenylpyrazolo[2,3-a] pyridine. Acta cryst. 2000 Mar 15;56(Pt 3): E88-9.
- Srivastava P., Saxena, A. S., Ram, V. J.: An elegant approach towards the regioselective synthesis of Deazalumazines through nucleophile induced ring transformation reactions: Synthesis 541-544, 2000.
- Ram, V. J., Nath, M., Srivastava, P.: A vicarious synthesis of functionalized biaryls through ring transformation reactions of 6-arylpyran-2-ones: C. S. Perkin Trans 1: 3719-3723, 2000.
- Ram, V. J., Srivastava, P., Goel, A.: A novel synthesis of ferrocenylarenes and heteroarenes through ring transformation reactions: Synthesis, 813-816, 2000.
- Sarkhel, S., Srivastava, P.; Ram, V. J., Maulik, P. R., Broder, C. K., Howard, J. A. K.: A highly functionalized ferrocenylpyrazolo[1,5-a] pyridine: IUCR, 56: 88-89, 2000.
- Ram, V. J., Srivastava, P., Saxena, A. S.: An innovative synthesis of quinolizines, pyrano[4,3-b] quinolizines through nucleophile induced ring transformation reactions : 1884-88, 1999.
- Nath, M., Srivastava P., Goel, A., Ram,V. J.: An expeditious synthesis of heteroarenes through ring transformation reactions of suitably functionalized pyran-2-ones : J. Org. Chem.2083, 1998.
- Goel, A., Srivastava, P., Nath, M., Ram, V. J.: Synthesis of 1,3-teraryl through carbanion induced ring transformation reaction of functionalized pyran-2-ones: Synthesis 167, 1998.
- Ram, V. J., Srivastava, P., Singh, S. K., Kandpal, M., Tekwani, B.L.: Functionalized azole and triazoloa[1,5-a] pyrimidines as latent leishmanicides : Med. Chem. Letters, 7: 1087, 1997.
- Ram, V. J., Singh, S. K.., Nath, M., Srivastava, P.: An inadvertent synthesis of cyclic and acyclic trithiocarbonates under phase transfer conditions. Chem. Res. (S).64, 1996.
- Ram, V. J., Goel, A., Nath, M., Srivastava, P.: 5-Cyano-2-thiouracils and their derivatives: A new class of leishmanicides. Med. Chem. Letters. 4: 2653, 1994
- Book Chapter: Agonist: Types and Activity, Advance in Medicine and Biology, Volume 162, 2020, NOVA Publishers USA