Name : Vitthal Gite
Designation : Technical Officer A
Job Description :
1. Assist in development of high yielding and rust resistant wheat varieties.
- Conduction of coordinated and station trials.
- Recording Field and post harvest observations.
- Nucleus and Breeder seed Production.
- Physical F & D and equipment stock verification.
- Assist in conduction of Front Line Demonstrations.
7. Scientific Publication.
Contact Details :
- M. Sc. Agriculture (Genetics & Plant Breeding)
- B) Publications in Research Journals:
1) Gite VD, Bankar DN, Yashavanthakumar KJ, Baviskar VS, Honrao BK, Chavan AM, Surve VD, Raskar SS, Khairnar SS, Bagwan JH and Khade VM. 2018. Genetic variability parameters and correlation study in elite genotypes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry; SP1: 3118-3123.
2) Â D.N. Bankar, V.S. Baviskar, K.J. Yashavantha Kumar, S.S. Raskar, S.S. Khairnar, V.D. Gite, V.D. Surve, J.H. Bagwan and B.K. Honrao.2018. Evaluation of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes for Changing Climatic Condition under Different Sowing Windows in Semi-Arid Tropics of Western Maharashtra, India. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci; 7(4): 761-770.
3) Khairnar SS, Baviskar VS, Yashavanthakumar KJ, Raskar SS, Bankar DN, Bagwan JH, Gite VD and Honrao BKH. 2018. Evaluation of wheat genotypes suitable for different nitrogen levels on growth, yield attributes and yield of wheat under rainfed environment in peninsular zone. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry; SP1: 2912-2916.
4) Gite V.D., Mali A.R., Dahat D.V. (2013). Estimation of combining ability for some yield contributing traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Flora and Fauna 19 (1) : 221-226. special Issue
5) Gite V.D., Mali A.R., Idhol B.D., Bagwan J.H. (2014). Estimation of Heterosis for yield components in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) The Bioscan 9 (2): 867-870.
6) Mali A.R., Gite V.D., Dahat D.V. (2013).Genetic divergence for morphological traits in Safflower (Carthamustinctorus L.) Bioinfolet10 (4 C ) : 1573-1577.
7) Mali A.R., Gite V.D., Dahat D.V. (2014). Relationship between grain yield and morphological traits of safflower genotypes. Bioinfolet11 (2 B ) : 425 – 428.
8) Mali A.R., Kamble S.Y., Gite V.D., Jadhav P.A. (2014). Genetic analysis of important morphological traits for forage yield in napier grass ( Penisetum purpureumSchum.) using cluster analysis. The Bioscan 9 (2): 789-792.
- F) Abstract published:
1)Bankar DN, Baviskar VS, Yashavanthakumar KJ, Raskar SS, Khairnar SS, Gite VD, Surve VD, Bagwan JH and Honrao BK. Evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes for changing climatic condition under different sowing windows in semi-arid tropics of western Maharashtra in International Seminar on Global Climate Change: Implications for Agriculture and Water Sectors, Abstract Book pg. 341, December 14-16, 2017, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
2) Khairnar SS, Baviskar VS, Yashavanthakumar KJ, Raskar SS, Bankar DN, Bagwan JH, Gite VD and Honrao BK. Evaluation of wheat genotypes suitable for different nitrogen levels on growth, yield attributes and yield of wheat under rainfed environment in peninsular zone Maharashtra in International Seminar on Global Climate Change: Implications for Agriculture and Water Sectors, Abstract Book pg. 163, December 14-16, 2017, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
3 3)Vijendra Baviskar, Yashwantha Kumar, Balgounda Honrao, Vilas Surve, Deepak Bankar, Vitthal Gite, Ajit Chavan, Vijay Khade, Juned Bagwan, Shrikant Khairnar, Sameer Raskar, BGRI (Borlaug Global Rust Initiative) 2018 poster abstract, Economic impact of front line demonstrations on wheat in the Semi-Arid tropics of western Maharashtra, India:https//www. globalrust.org.
4 4) Juned Bagwan, Yashwantha Kumar Shrikant Khairnar Balgounda Honrao, Vijendra Baviskar, Ajit Chavan, Vitthal Gite, Deepak Bankar, Sameer Raskar, Satish Misra, BGRI (Borlaug Global Rust Initiative) 2018 poster abstract, Investigation on heat stress tolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for the conditions of terminal heat stress.: https//www. globalrust.org.
5)Â 5) Balgounda Honrao, Yashwantha Kumar, Vijendra Baviskar, Ajit Chavan, Vilas Surve, Vijay Khade, Juned Bagwan, Vitthal Gite, Shrikant Khairnar, Sameer Raskar, Deepak Bankar, Satish Misra, BGRI (Borlaug Global Rust Initiative) 2018 poster abstract, A new durum (Triticum durum Desf.) wheat variety MACS 3949 developed for rich nutritional pasta quality with high zinc and iron : https//www.globalrust.org.
- G) Popular Articles:
- D. N. Bankar, V. D. Surve, D. Gite and Juned Bagwan (2015): Gahu lagwadiche sudharit tantra, Sakal- Pragati, November PP 1.
- Chavan AM, Honrao BK, Yashwant Kumar KJ, Baviskar VS, Bagwan JH, surve VD, Khade VM, Gite VD, Khairnar SS, Bankar DN and Raskar SS. Arogyadayi khapli gahu va lagvad tantradnyan (in Marathi).Baliraja, October 2017, Pg 86-87.
- Raskar SS, Gite VD and Yashwant Kumar KJ. Shashriya Paddhatine Kara Gahu Bijotpadan. Agrowan, November 2017, Pg 11.
- Bankar DN, Gite VD, Honrao BK, Yashwantkumar KJ, Baviskar VS, Khade VM, Bagwan JH, Surve VD, Khairnar SS and Raskar SS. Rabbi Hangamatil Gahu Vyavasthapan Va Sudharit Van (in Marathi). Baliraja, December 2017, Pg 52-55.
- Khairnar S.S., Bagwan J.H., Gite V.D. (29/11/18). Niryatisathi Durum Gahu
Lagwadiche Kara Niyojan. Agrowon. P11
- Khairnar SS, Gite VD and Bagwan JH. Niryatksham Gahupikachi sudharit paddhatine Lagwad. Sakal, 1 December 2018, Pragatipuravani.
- Khairnar S.S., Bagwan J.H., Gite V.D. (30/01/19). Gahupikavaril rog, kid niyantran. Agrowon. P11
Three MACS-ARI entries were identified and notified by Govt. Of India which are as follows:
1) MACS 3949 (d): Timely sown irrigated condition.
2) MACS 4028 (d): Timely sown rainfed condition
3) MACS 4058 (d): Timely sown restricted irrigated condition