Dr Tushar Kaushik

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Name : Dr. Soham Pore

Designation : Project Scientist

Brief Background :

  • Masters in Microbiology with a strong experience in anaerobic microbiology, next generation sequencing and analysis, microbial diversity studies, molecular biology, enzymology, biochemistry, and applied microbiology.
  • Obtained senior research fellowship to work on Ph.D. topic ‘Biomethanation of rice straw at elevated temperature: Assessment of microbial community dynamics’.
  • Rewarded by American Society for Microbiology with ‘ASM student and postdoctoral travel award 2018 to attend ASM Microbe 2018 conference at Atlanta, Georgia.

Contact Details :


+91 20 25325098

  • M.Sc. Microbiology, University of Pune, 2010

  • B.Sc. Microbiology, University of Pune, 2008

My research interest is in

  1. Meta-omics based analysis of microbial community associated with complex systems such as  anaerobic digestion process and development of microbial process technologies for renewable energy generation from agricultural waste.
  2. Application of SRB lytic bacteriophage to prevent souring of oil reservoir
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