Welcome To Biodiversity and Palaeobiology Group
This thematic group has been created to consolidate ARI’s research activities related to biodiversity of archaea, bacteria, diatoms, fungi, lichens, plants, viruses, as well as fossils.
Our vision is to explore variations occurring at the level of ecosystems, species and genes. ARI scientists are currently exploring the distribution and diversity of archaea, bacteria, diatoms, fungi, lichens, plants and viruses in Indian subcontinent, with particular emphasis on the two biodiversity hotspots, viz. Eastern Himalayas and Western Ghats. Microbial diversity of extreme/pristine/niche environments is also being investigated. Our findings have important spin-offs in ex situ and/or in situ conservation of some rare/endangered indigenous organisms.
Palaeobiology research deals with the taxonomic descriptions of fossil forms that helps us trace back lineages that once existed and offers a holistic interpretation of paleo-ecology and palaeo-environment that led to the modern day earth.