Welcome To Genetics and Plant Breeding Group
The diverse challenges and constraints such as changing climate, growing population, increasing food needs, natural resource degradation, biotic threats to crop and changing consumer food habits demand paradigm shift in formulation and implementation of crop improvement program.
Our group is engaged in improving crop productivity and profitability without sacrificing ecological and economical sustainability. The institute is one of the leading centres for improvement of crops such as wheat, soybean and grapes under the All India Co-ordinated Research Projects funded by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.
Current research activities involve:
- Developing high yielding, disease resistant wheat, soybean and grape varieties for India, in general and peninsular zone, in particular.
- Identification and utilization of the genetics stocks from Indian and exotic germplasm to enhance drought and heat tolerance as well as water use efficiency under drought environment.
- Development and utilization of functional molecular markers in breeding crops for various desired traits such as enhanced grain yield, tolerance to abiotic & biotic stresses as well as improved nutritional & end-use quality.