Ms. Roshani Mishra
Name : Ms. Roshani Mishra
Designation : Senior Research Fellow

Brief Background :

Dedicated researcher specializing in microbiology, with expertise in molecular techniques, microbial ecology, and bioinformatics. My work focuses on metagenomics, microbial-induced corrosion (MIC), and bioremediation. I am proficient in DNA sequencing, protein purification, and the analysis of complex microbial communities using advanced bioinformatics tools. I have strong scientific communication skills, backed by experience in academic writing and collaborative projects.

Contact Details :

  • PhD in Microbiology (2024 – Present) – Agharkar Research Institute, Pune (SPPU). Thesis: “Phage-Mediated Control of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in Oil Reservoirs: Mechanisms and Strategies”
  • MSc in Microbiology (2018 – 2020) – Institute of Science, Nirma University, Ahmedabad | Graduated with 80.7%. Dissertation Project: Microbial Fuel Cell treatment for bio-electricity generation from industrial wastewater.
  • BSc in Microbiology (2015 – 2018) – M.G. Science College, Ahmedabad | SGPA: 7.85. Research Project: Agro-waste degradation for crude biofertilizer production.

Environmental Microbiology and Bioremediation

  • Microbial-Induced Corrosion (MIC) and Phage Therapy
  • Bioinformatics and Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
  • Plastic and Dye Degradation Using Microbial Consortia
  • Enzyme Characterization for Industrial and Environmental Applications
  1. “Cloning and characterization of FMN-dependent azoreductases from textile industry effluent identified through metagenomic sequencing” Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2024.
  2. “Exploring genetic landscape of low-density polyethylene degradation for sustainable troubleshooting of plastic pollution at landfills” Science of Total Environment, 2024.
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