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Ph.D. Admission |
May 23, 2023 |
List of Students Eligible for PhD Interview (Round II) |
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May 23, 2023 |
List of Students Eligible for PhD Interview (Round II). |
Advt. No. Rect.P/ 01/2021 |
May 9, 2023 |
Final list of Eligible and Shortlisted Candidates against Advt. No. Rect.P/ 01/2021
for the position of Scientist B- Biodiversity & Paleobiology (Palaeontology). |
Advt. No. Rect.P/ 01/2021 |
May 8, 2023 |
Final list of Eligible and Shortlisted Candidates against Advt. No. Rect.P/ 01/2021
for the position of Scientist B- Biodiversity & Paleobiology (Fungi/Lichens). |
Advt. No. Rect.P /T&A /01 /2022-23 |
May 2, 2023 |
Final List of Eligible and Shortlisted Candidates against Advt. No. Rect.P/T&A /01 /2022-23 for the position of Technical Officer ‘C’- Bioenergy (Post Code: TOC / Bio/ 2022) |
Advt. No. Rect. P/ 01/2021 |
April 27, 2023 |
Final list of Eligible and Shortlisted Candidates against Advt. No. Rect.P/ 01/2021 for the position of Scientist C- Biodiversity & Paleobiology (Fungi). |
Advt. No. Rect. P/ 01/2021 |
April 27, 2023 |
Final List of Eligible and Shortlisted Candidates against Advt. No. Rect. P/ 01/2021 for the position of Scientist B- Bioprospecting Group. |