Name : Dr. Vilas Surve
Designation : Technical Officer B
Job Description :
Songaon Farm In charge. Management and development of farm, carryout all field operations of farm,look after of all purchasing and handle legal matter of the farm. Wheat & Soybean breeder seed production responsibility and conducting experiment of wheat and soybean.
Contact Details :
- M.sc. Botany
Papers published in refereed journal.
- Misra.S.C., Rao.V.S, Dixit.R.N. Surve.V.D. and Patil.V.P. (1994). Genetic Control of Yield and Its Components in Bread Wheat. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding.
Vol. 54(1): 77-82.
- Taware S.P., Surve.V.D. Patil A., Pise.P.P. Raut.V.M.(2006). Evaluation of Elite Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Lines for Oil Quality and Quantitative traits.
Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Vol. 66(1): 51-52.
- Honrao B.K., Misra.S.C, Bhagwat.M.D. Dixit.R.N. Surve.V.D., Khade.V.M. Rao.V.S. ( ). Potential of Synthetic Wheat as a New Source of Leaf Rust Resistance.
Cereal Rust and Powdery Mildew Bulletin. Vol. ( ) :
- Honrao B. K.; Surve V.D.; Khade V.M. and. Misra S.C (2011). Inheritance of leaf rust resistance in synthetic hexaploid wheat. Indian Journal of Genetics 71(1):61-63.
- Mishra S.C, Honrao B.K, Bhagwat M.D, Chavan A.M, Khade V. M Surve V. D., Patil R.M., Bagwan J.H., Bankar D.N., (2010) MACS2971; A new dicoccum wheat variety. Indian journal of Genetic And Plant Breeding 70; 307.
- Annapurna B, Bankar D.N, Patil R.M, Khade V.M, Surve V. D. Chavan AM, Bagwan JH, Taware S.P, Honrao B. K, Mishra S. C. (2011) Genetic studies for improvement of spike characters in bread wheat.
- Bankar D N, Baviskar V S, Yashavantha Kumar K J, Raskar S S, Khairnar S S, Gite VD, Surve VD, Bagwan JH and Honrao BK. Evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes for changing climatic condition under different sowing windows in semi-arid tropics of western Maharashtra in International Seminar on Global Climate Change: Implications for Agriculture and Water Sectors, Abstract Book pg. 341, December 14-16, 2017, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
8.Khairnar S S, Bagwan JH, Yashavantha Kumar KJ, Baviskar VS, Honrao BK, Surve VD, Khade VM, Chavan AM and Bankar DN; Studies on genetic variability parameters and character association in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under timely and late sown environments of irrigated condition in Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding9(1)190-198 (Mar 2018)
9.K J Yashawant kumar, V . S. Baviskar, B K . Honrao, S. C. Mishra, A. M. Chavan, V. D. Surve, V. M. Khade, J. H. Bagwan, V D. Gite,S. S. Khairnar, D. N. Bankar and Sudhir Nawathe Notification of crop varieties and registration of germplasmDurum wheat MACS 3949. Indian Journal of Genetics and.Plant Breeding79(4);765-769 . Impact Factor; 0.6
- V . S. Baviskar K. J. Yashawant kumar, , B K . Honrao, S. C. Mishra, A. M. Chavan, V. D. Surve, V. M. Khade, J. H. Bagwan, V D. Gite,S. S. Khairnar, D. N. Bankar and Sudhir Nawathe Notification of crop varieties and registration of germplasm Biofortified wheat MACS 4028. Indian Journal of Genetics and.Plant Breeding79(4);765-769 . Impact Factor; 0.6
- Sandeep Kanetkar,V.M. Raut, S.C. Mishra, A.M. Chavan, V.D. Surve, Medha Kulkarni and Meghraj Kadam Fiel bio-efficacy of different bio-fertilizers and chemical fertilizers on morphological and yield contributing characters of wheat (Triticum aesivum L.). PESTOLOGY, 41-49
- b) Popular article published in Marathi language:
- Chavan A M, Honrao B K, Yashwant Kumar K J, Baviskar V S, Bagwan J H, surve V D, Khade V M, Gite V D, Khairnar S S, Bankar D N and Raskar S S. Arogya dayi khapli gahu va lagvad tantradnyan (in Marathi). Baliraja, October 2017, Pg. 86-87.
- S. A. Jaybhay, Philips varphese and V. D. Surve published a popular article on Soyabhinvaril Pramukh Kidinche Shastrokt paddhatine Vyavsthapan in Marathi agricultural onthly magazine Agro Touch August, 2019; page 3-6
- Vijendra Baviskar,Vilas Surve and Deepak Bankar. Khapali gavhache aantarmashagat va Pani vyavsthapan Agrotouch Magazie. January 2020.
- Misra SC, Honrao BK, Chavan AM, Surve VD, Khade VM, Patil R M (2011) MACS 6222; A new high yielding wheat variety. Baliraja 11; 19 (Marathi)
Poster Presentation:
- Honrao B.K., Misra.S.C. Rao.V.S. Bhagwat.M.D., Dixit.R.N. Surve.V.D. Khade.V.M., (2002). Potential of Synthetic Wheat as New Source of Leaf Rust Resistance.
2nd International Group Meeting on Wheat Technologies for Warmer Areas. Held at Pune- September 23-26, 2002.
- Bhagwat.M.D., Chavan.A.M. Surve.V.D. Rao.V.S. (2003). Development of Free Threshing Dicoccum. Poster Presentation in National Seminar on “Advances in Genetics and Plant Breeding Impact of DNA, Revolution” held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad on 30-31 Oct. 2003.
Details of professional training attended
- 1. Participated in the Training Course On “Wheat IPM and Crop Health Surveillance “From 16-18 January 1997. Organized by DWR Karnal.
2 Participated and successfully completed the Training programme on “Coordinated Experimentation in Wheat & Barley under AICW&BIP” held during March 23-29 2011 at the Directorate of Wheat Research, Karnal.
- one-day training programme attended at ICAR Garlic Research Institute Rajgurunagar on 23/10/2018 for field book uses.
- Participated and represented ARI at three-day training programme on Conservation Agriculture for improving productivity and sustainability of Wheat based systems.
Under the Aegis of BMZ funded project on scaling breeding and agronomic management for increasing wheat productivity and adaptation to climatic change causing rising temperature water scarcity in South Asia, organised jointly by Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR) and International maize and Wheat improvement Centre(CIMMYT) on October 11-13,2018 at Karnal (Haryana)