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Name : Dr. Yogesh Karpe
Designation : Scientist – E
Brief Background :
- Scientist, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune 2014-01-01 to till date
- DST INSPIRE Faculty: National Institute of Virology, 2012-06-14 to 2013-12-31
- Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine, Collage of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA, 2011-05-25 to 2012-06-12
Contact Details :
- Ph.D. National Institute of Virology, Year 2012, Field of Study: Virology
- M.Sc. Department of Zoology, University of Pune, Year 2006, Field of Study: Zoology
- Replication and pathogenesis of positive sense RNA viruses
- Novel approaches for development of viral vaccines
- Patil R.N and Karpe Y. A.2020. Uncovering the roles of miR-214 in Hepatitis E Virus replication. Journal of Molecular Biology, 432, 5322-5342
- Pingle K.D., Kanade G. D., and Karpe Y. A* 2020. Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoproteins Participate in Hepatitis E Virus Replication. Journal of Molecular Biology. 27;432(7):2369-2387
- Kanade GD, Pingale KD, Karpe YA. 2019. Protein Interactions Network of Hepatitis E Virus RNA and Polymerase With Host Proteins. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10:2501
- Pingle K.D., Kanade G. D., and Karpe Y. A* 2019. Hepatitis E virus polymerase binds to IFIT1 to protect the viral RNA from IFIT1 mediated translation inhibition. Journal of General. Virology. 100: 471-483
- Kanade G. D., Pingale K.D. and Karpe Y. A*. 2018. Activities of Thrombin and Factor Xa are essential for replication of Hepatitis E virus and are possibly implicated in the ORF1 polyprotein processing. Journal of Virology. 92: e1853-17
Papers published in refereed journals
- Patil R, Salunke P, Karpe YA. (2023) Unravelling the Tripartite Interactions Among Hepatitis E Virus RNA, miR-140 and hnRNP K. Journal of Molecular 15;435(10):168050
- Karpe, Y. A. (2024). Processing of the hepatitis e virus ORF1 nonstructural polyprotein. Frontiers in Virology, 3: 1327745
- Nangare, R. A., Gajbhiye, V., & Karpe, Y. A. (2024). Role of miRNAs in the Chikungunya virus replication and pathogenesis. Frontiers in Virology, 4: 1386580.
- Patra S. Gajbhiye, V., & Karpe, Y. A. (2024). Assessment of heat-killed E. coli expressing Chikungunya virus E2 protein as a candidate vaccine for dual protection against Chikungunya virus and E. coli. Frontiers in Immunology, accepted
Foreign/Indian patents granted/filed
Y Karpe, V Gajbhiye, D Bodas and P Dhakephalkar, Nucleic acid-based test kit to detect viral RNA, DNA, other biomolecules and an assay thereof. Patent Application No. 202121027919. Date of Grant 26-06-2024
Ph. D. awarded
- Rajashree Patil: Roles of microRNAs in Hepatitis e virus replication. Guide: Dr. Y. A. Karpe
Other important information
Dr. Yogesh Karpe is nominated to serve in the DST-INSPIRE faculty Fellowship Selection Committee for 2 years.