Dr. BhaskarCharan Behera

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Name : Mr. Santosh Jaybhay

Designation : Scientist – D

Brief Background :

Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] is a wonder bean/ golden bean due to its high seed protein (38-40%) and edible vegetable oil (18-20%) content. It has a prominent place among modern agricultural commodities as the world’s most important seed legume, contributes about 25% to the global edible oil production, about two thirds of the world’s protein concentrate for livestock feeding and is a valuable ingredient in formulated feeds for poultry and fish. It is also an important commodity for food manufacturers, pharma industry and many more industrial uses. Therefore the global soybean demand is increasing rapidly.In India, it has become a major oilseed crop covering an area of about 10.96 million hectares in 2018-19 kharif season with 13.27 million tons annual production and with 1227 kg/ha productivity per hectare.

Maharashtra has become second largest soybean growing state contributing nearly 36% area (39.30 lakh ha) and 33% production (43.90 lakh tons) of the country after Madhya Pradesh.

The institute is one of the main cooperating centres of ICAR’s All India Coordinated Research Project on Soybean since 1968 and is engaged in-

  • Research on genetics and plant breeding aspects of soybean crop.
  • Development of high yielding varieties of soybean with improved qualitative and quantitative traits.
  • Developing disease and pest resistant, drought tolerant, non-shattering type, vegetable and food grade type of soybean varieties using conventional and molecular breeding methods.
  • Development of improved production technologies with respect to planting method, planting time, planting density, planting geometry, fertilizer requirement, weed, pest and disease management, etc.
  • Demonstrating technology developed and transfer of technology developed to farmers’, private and government agencies.
  • Quality soybean breeder seed production and its supply for further multiplication.

So far eight soybean varieties viz., Monetta, MACS 13, MACS 57, MACS 58, MACS 124, MACS 450, MACS 1188and MACS 1281 developed by this centre have been released for commercial cultivation in Central and Southern Zones of India. Recently, MACS 1407, MACS 1460 and MACS 1520have been identified for cultivation in different zones of country.

Contact Details :

020- 25325040 (Telephone)

  • BSc in Agriculture

  • MSc in Agriculture (Specialization: Agronomy)
  • Improve agronomic aspects of soybean crop to harvest higher yield per hectare.
  • Development of the agronomic, breeding and physiological tools and protocol for mitigating the biotic and abiotic stresses in soybean.
  • Development and standardization of package of practices for climate resilient soybean production and conservation agriculture for soybean production.
  • Production and supply of high quality soybean breeder seed of the developed varieties for cultivation in various parts of country.
  • Develop an efficient module for transfer of improved production technologies of soybean cultivation.
  • Evaluate MACS soybean entries in co-ordinated research trials for their performance in terms of qualitative and quantitative traits.
  • Development of capsule of improved package of practices for newly released soybean varieties.
  • Undertake breeding programme for development of soybean varieties with high yield, short and medium duration, disease resistance, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, non-pod shattering habit and suitable for mechanical harvesting.
  • Developing vegetable type of soybean free from Trypsin inhibitor and Lipoxygenase, using marker assisted breeding technique.
  • Maintenance of soybean germplasm, its evaluation, characterization and cataloguing.
  • Technology transfer to farmers with respect to soybean production.
  1. A. Jaybhay, S.P. Taware and P. Varghese. Influence of Foliar Application of Nutrient on Growth, Yield, Economics, Soil Nutritional Status and Nutrient Uptake of Soybean. DOI: 10.18805/LR-4218.Legume Research, 2019, Pp. 1-6. ISSN: 0976-0571
  2. A. Jaybhay, S.P. Taware and P. Varghese. Efficacy of tank-mix herbicide and insecticide combinations for management of weed and pests in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill.]. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2018, 20 (6): 1201-1211
  3. A. Jaybhay, S.P. Taware, P. Varghese and V.R. Nikam. Soybean cultivation by farmers of Maharashtra: Identification and analysis of the problem. Legume Research, 2018, 41 (3): 474-479
  4. A. Jaybhay, S.P. Taware and Philips Varghese. Microbial inoculation of Rhizobium and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria along with inorganic fertilizers for sustainable yield of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2017, 40(15): 2209-2216
  5. A. Jaybhay, Philips Varghese, B.D. Idhol, B.N. Waghmare and D.H. Salunkhe.Response of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] to Sowing on Ridges and Furrows at Different Planting Geometries. Soybean Research, 2020, 18 (1): 69-76
  6. A. Jaybhay, Philips Varghese, S.P. Taware, B.D. Idhol, B.N. Waghmare and D.H. Salunkhe.Response of Soybean [Glycine max (L.)Merrill] to irrigation at different growth stages. Agricultural Science Digest, 2019, 39(2): 132-135
  7. M. Raut, S. Kanitkar, M. Kulkarni, S.P. Taware, P. Varghese, S.A. Jaybhay and M. Kadam. Efficacy of bio-fertilizers and growth promoters on seed yield of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill). Pestology, 2019, XLIII (6): 45-56
  8. M. Raut, SandeepaKanitkar, P. Varghese, S.A. Jaybhay, S.P. Taware and Aditya Borawake. Effect of TeamBio-2, a consortia of PSB and KMB on nodulation, plant growth promotion and yield in soybean [Glycine max (L) Mer.] Pestology, 2018, XLII (9): 19-28
  9. M. Raut, S. Kanitkar, A. Borawke, S.A. Jaybhay, S.P. Taware and P. Varghese. Field evaluation of B: Seepel-R (Rhizobium japonicum) and tricho-shield combat (Trichodermaviride) for growth, nodulation and yield in soybean. Pestology, 2017, XLI (3): 21-26
  10. A. Jaybhay, S.P. Taware, P. Varghese and B.D. Idhol. Response of Soybean varieties to date of sowing, plant population and fertilizer dose. Soybean Research, 2016, 14(1): 78-84
  11. A. Jaybhay, S.P. Taware and Philips Varghese. Frontline demonstration: A tool and boon for boosting the soybean production. BhartiyaKrishiAnusandhanPatrika, 2016, 31(1): 15-19
  12. P. Taware, S.A. Jaybhay and Philips Varghese. Effect of different sowing dates on yield and its attributes in Soybean. J0urnal of Agriculture Research and Technology, 2015, 40(1): 167-169
  13. A. Jaybhay, S.P. Taware and Philips Varghese. Optimization of seed rate and row spacing of Soybean varieties. Soybean Research, 2014, 12 (SI.1): 67-71
  14. Philips Varghese, S.P. Taware, S.A. Jaybhay and Manoj Oak. Oil quality of some elite Soybean varieties of India. Soybean Research, 2014,12 (SI.2): 93-98
  15. A. Jaybhay, S.P. Taware, Philips Varghese and B.D. Idhol. Crop management through organic and inorganic inputs in Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) based cropping systems. Int. Journal of Advanced Research, 2015, 3(4): 705-711
  16. A. Jaybhay, B.A. Shinde, M.S. Khakre and G.M. Kote. Influence of moisture conservation and nutrient management practices on soil moisture content, soil nutritional status and fibre quality of Bt cotton. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2015, 21(SI):S1-6
  17. A. Jaybhay, B.A. Shinde, M.S. Khakre and G.M. Kote. Effect of soil moisture conservation and nutrient management techniques on yield of Bt cotton Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2015, 21(SI):S87-90
  18. J. Jaybhay, S. A. Jaybhay, G. A. Bhalerao and S.K. Kamble.Effect of Potassium on Yield and Economics of Kabuli Chickpea. Int. Journal of Advanced Research, 2015, 3(6): 436-438
  19. J. Jaybhay, S. A. Jaybhay and S.K. Kamble. Effect of Potassium on growth parameters and yield contributing characters of Kabuli Chickpea. Multilogic in Science, 2015, 5(13): 57-59
  20. N. Mane, C.D. Chavan and S.A. Jaybhay. Yield and economics of Tomato (LycopersiconEsculentum Mill.) as influenced by fertigation. Multilogic in Science, 2015, 5(14): 58-60

Soybean Varieties Developed:                

Three Soybean varieties developed are identified for release:

  • MACS 1407: Suitable for North Eastern Zone of Country
  • MACS 1460: Suitable for North Eastern Hill Zone, Eastern Zone

and Southern Zone of Country

  • MACS 1520: Suitable for Central Zone of Country

 Awards/ Medals received:

  1. Late Vasantrao Naik KrushiPrerna Award-2019
  2. PanjabraoDeshmukh Birth Centenary Gold Medal
  3. PanjabraoDeshmukh Silver Medal
  4. Late. Shri LaxmanraoNarharpantUttarwar Silver Medal
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