Name : Ravindra Jagannath Waghole
Designation : Technical Officer A
Job Description :Â
Natural Product Chemistry and Semiochemicals research, Extraction, bio-guided fractionation and purification of plant extracts, Operation and routine maintenance of sophisticated analytical instruments, and providing analytical services to research institutions, academia, and industry
Contact Details :
- M.Sc. Ph. D
- Ravindra Jagannath Waghole, Ashwini Vivek Misar, Neha Shashikant Kulkarni, Feroz Khan, Dattatraya Gopal Naik and Sachin Hanmant Jadhav, In vitro and in vivo anti‑inflammatory activity of Tetrastigmasulcatum leaf extract, pure compound and its derivatives, Infammopharmacology (2022) 30:291–311
- Niraj S. Ghatpande, Ashwini V. Misar, Ravindra J. Waghole, Sachin H. Jadhav & Prasad P. Kulkarni, Tinospora cordifolia protects against inflammation associated anemia by modulating inflammatory cytokines and hepcidin expression in male Wistar rats. Scientific Reports, (2019) 9:10969
- Tanya Singh, Pranav R. Kshirsagar, Anindita Das, Kunal Yadav, Sweta Mallik, M. B. L. Mascarenhas-Pereira, Tresa Remya A. Thomas, Mamatha S. Shivaramu, Loka Bharathi P. A., N. H. Khadge, B. NagenderNath , Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, Sridhar D. Iyer, Dwijesh Ray, A. B. Valsangkar, Anita Garg, C. Prakash Babu, Ravindra J. Waghole, Shailesh S. Waghmare, Jyutika M. Rajwade, and Kishore M. Paknikar (2019). Implications of Microbial Thiosulfate Utilization in Red Clay Sediments of the Central Indian Basin: The Martian Analogy. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems1029/2018GC007640, PP 708-729
- Waghole R. J. and Naik D.G. (2016) Chemical Composition and Anti-fungal Properties of Essential oil from Tetrastigmasulcatum (Law.) Gamble Leaves. Essential Oil-Bearing Plants, 19 (3): 568 – 57
- Waghole R. J., Misar A. V., Mujumdar A. M. and Naik D. G. (2015) Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Tetrastigmasulcatum (Law.) Gamble Leaf Extract and Its Fractions. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research. 7 (5): 896-902.
- Waghole R. J. and Naik D. G., (2014) Attractant formulations for the management of grape mealy bug Maconellicoccushirsutus(Green). Journal of Biopesticide 7 (suppl.): 83-88.
- Naik, DG, Mujumdar, AM, Waghole, RJ, Misar, AV, Bligh, SWA, Bashall, A, Crowder J. (2004) Taraxer-14-en-3?-ol, an Anti-inflammatory Compound from Sterculia foetida Planta Medica, 70 (1), 68-69.
- Mujumdar, AM, Naik, DG, Waghole, RJ, Kulkarni, DK and Kumbhojkar, MS (2000) Pharmacological studies on Sterculia foetida Pharmaceutical Biology, 38, 13-17.