Name : Dr. Deepa Satish Shetty
Designation : Project Scientist-IIII
Brief Background :
I have more than 15 years of experience in teaching in Microbiology & Biotechnology. My Ph.D. work was on bioaugmentation of anaerobic digester with anaerobic fungi to enhance methane yield from rice straw. I have worked on industry sponsored projects for biohydrogen and biomethane production from rice straw. At present, I am working on Characterization of probiotic isolates.
Contact Details :
Ph.D (Microbiology) – 2018
Post graduate Diploma in Clinical Reserach – 2009
M.Sc. (Microbiology) – 2008
B.Sc. (Microbiolgy) – 2006
- Microbial process for biofuel production from agricultural residues
- Characterization of probiotic properties of microbial cultures (including anaerobes)
- Dhakephalkar, T., Pisu, V., Margale, P., Chandras, S., Shetty, D., Wagh, S., Dagar, S.S., Kapse, N. and Dhakephalkar, P.K., 2024. Strain-Dependent Adhesion Variations of Shouchellaclausii Isolated from Healthy Human Volunteers: A Study on Cell Surface Properties and Potential Probiotic Benefits. Microorganisms, 12(9), p.1771.
2.        Kapse, N., Pisu, V., Dhakephalkar, T., Margale, P., Shetty, D., Wagh, S., Dagar, S. and Dhakephalkar, P., 2023. Unveiling the Probiotic Potential of Streptococcus thermophilus MCC0200: Insights from In-vitro Studies corroborated with Genome Analysis. Microorganisms.
- Shetty, D., Joshi, A., Dagar, S. S., Kshirsagar, P., &Dhakephalkar, P. K. (2020). Bioaugmentation of           anaerobic        fungus Orpinomyces  joyonii boosts sustainable biomethanation of rice straw without pretreatment. Biomass and Bioenergy. 138: 1-5. DOI number: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2020.105546.
- Tapadia-Maheshwari, S.N., Pore, S.D., Engineer, A.S., Shetty, D.S., Dagar, S.S., Dhakephalkar, P.K. (2019) Illustration of the microbial community selected by optimized process and nutritional parameters resulting in enhanced biomethanation of rice straw without thermo-chemical pretreatment. Bioresource Technology. 289: 1-9.DOI number: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.121639.
- Shetty, D. J., Kshirsagar, P., Tapadia-Maheshwari, S., Lanjekar, V., Singh, S. K., Dhakephalkar, P. K. (2017). Alkali pretreatment at ambient temperature: A promising method to enhance biomethanation of rice straw. Bioresource Technology. 226: 80-88. DOI number: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.12.003.
- Pore, S. D., Shetty, D., Arora, P., Maheshwari, S., Dhakephalkar, P. K. (2016). Metagenome changes in the biogas producing community during anaerobic digestion of rice straw. Bioresource Technology. 213: 50-53. DOI number: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.03.045.