Short duration Courses organized by Biodiversity (Plant) for enthusiast in Marathi medium
Certificate course in Home Gardening
Every year, ‘The certificate course in Home gardening’ is being organized for Gardening enthusiasts. The course content included lectures, demonstrations and outdoor visits. In addition to in-house experts, external experts are invited to deliver special lectures and demonstrations. The course is divided into floriculture, olariculture, pomology etc. Special lectures on roses, lawns, medicinal plants, cacti and succulents, orchids and various techniques like bottle garden, hangings, bonsai and special floral arrangement Ekebana are favorites of the participants. The visits are organized to nurseries, bungalow garden, terrace garden and hi-tech polyhouse technology etc. The admissions are given on first come first basis. The course material is provided to the participant.
The admissions are given on first come first basis. The course material is provided to the participant.
Duration : Six months, every Thursday 3.30-5.30 pm
Prerequisite : 10th pass, should understand technical terms in English.

Certificate Course in Field Botany – A Collaborative project of MACS and Nisargsevak
Every year, ‘The Certificate Course in Field Botany’ is being organized for nature enthusiast. The course content included lectures, demonstrations and outdoor visits. In addition to in-house experts, external experts are invited to deliver special lectures and demonstrations. The course aims at making people aware about the science behind classification of plants specially flowering plants, their diversity, habitats and niches. The major topics coved in the course are Plant Morphology, Classification, Ecology, etc. Demonstrations, practicals and field tours to various locations covering Pune and surroundings are organized as a part of this course.
The admissions are given on first come first basis. The course material is provided to the participant.
The admissions are given on first come first basis. The course material is provided to the participant.
Duration : Two and half months, Friday-Saturday 6.15-8-30 pm, Sunday half day (7.30-10 am) field visit
Prerequisite : 10th pass, should understand technical terms in English.