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Name : Dr. Jyutika Rajwade

Designation : Scientist – F

Brief Background :

After completing Master’s in Industrial Microbiology, I joined MACS for doctoral studies and worked on metal-microbe interactions. After doctoral studies, I worked as a CSIR research associate in ARI and teaching research associate at Department of Biotechnology, Pune University. For the past 13 years I am working as a research scientist in the Nanobioscience group. I have worked in applications of Microbiology, Biotechnology in Nanobioscience. Working with Ph.D scholars has led to research publications in scientific journals of international repute.

Contact Details :


  • B.Sc. (1989) Microbiology, Chemistry, Zoology
  • M.Sc (1991) Microbiology
  • Ph.D (1997) Microbiology

My research deals with applications of nanomaterials in various fields. Metals-based nanoparticles were explored for their antimicrobial activity for achieving control of bacterial pathogens. Effects of silver nanoparticles on bacterial biofilms was studied at the transcriptome level. For early detection of diseases in aquaculture, lateral flow assay platform was developed and validated for detection of white spot syndrome virus, Macrobrachiumrosenbergiinodavirus. For detection of Vibriosis, chromogenic immunosensor is under development. Several biomolecules are being explored as biorecognition elements in the development of diagnostics. Naturally occurring polymeric nanostructures specifically bacterial cellulose is being explored for applications in nanobiotechnology.As part of applications of nanotechnology in agriculture, the potential of nanomaterials as micronutrient delivery systems and also as carriers for protein antigens for oral vaccination in aquaculture.

Papers published in refereed journals


  1. Mayattu K, Rajwade J, Ghormade V. Development of erythromycin loaded PLGA nanoparticles for improved drug efficacy and sustained release against bacterial infections and biofilm formation. MicrobPathog. 2024 Oct 23:107083. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2024.107083. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39454804.
  2. S. Tawre, A. Padhye, S. Chakraborty, N. Kulkarni, G. Bose, S. Mittal, U. Jadhav, S. Jadhav, J.M. Rajwade, K. Pardesi, Bioactive Curcuma aromatica-stabilized silver nanoparticles embedded chitosan dressing with improved antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing properties. Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications 8 (2024) 100570.
  3. Savardekar A, Fernandes E, Padhye-Pendse A, Gupta T, Pol J, Phadke M, Desai S, Jadhav S, Rajwade J, Banerjee A. Adipocytes Promote Endometrial Cancer Progression Through Activation of the SIRT1-HMMR Signaling Axis. Molecular Carcinogenesis. 2024 1002/mc.23815. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39254492.
  4. Naik, A., A. A. Kale, J. M. Rajwade (2024) Sensing the future: A review on emerging technologies for assessing and monitoring bone health. Biomaterials Advances, 165, 214008, doi:10.1016/j.bioadv.2024.214008.
  5. MadiwalV,RajwadeJ.Silver-depositedtitaniumasaprophylactic’nanocoat’forperi-NanoscaleAdv.2024Mar7;6(8):2113-2128.
  6. Padhye-PendseA,UmraniR,PaknikarK,JadhavS,RajwadeJ.LifeSci.2024Jun15;347:122667.
  7. Deshpande,P.,Wankar,S.,Gumathannavar,R.,Kulkarni,S.,Jadhav,Y.,Patil,Y.,RajwadeJ.Kulkarni,(2024).Harnessingphotocurrentenhancementinsilver- bacterialcellulosenanocompositeforultra-sensitiveHg2+electrochemicaldetection.Nanocomposites,10(1),227–240.
  8. Madiwal,B.Khairnar,J.M.Rajwade(2024)Enhancedantibacterialactivityandsuperiorbiocompatibilityofcobalt-depositedtitaniumdiscsforpossibleuseinimplantdentistry,iScience,27(2),108827,doi:10.1016/j.isci.2024.108827.
  9. D.Khairnar,A.Jha,J.M.Rajwade(2023)Rationallydesignedcyclicpeptidesandnanomaterialsas‘next-generation’anti-amyloidtherapeutics.JMaterSci.58,9834– 9860.doi:10.1007/s10853-023-08654-6
  10. Deshpande,S.Wankar,S.Mahajan,Y.Patil,J.Rajwade,A.Kulkarni(2023)BacterialCellulose:NaturalBiomaterialforMedicalandEnvironmentalApplications,JournalofNaturalFibers,20:2,2218623
  11. D.Khairnar,A.Padhye,V.Madiwal,A.Jha,S.H.Jadhav,J.M.Rajwade.(2023)Cyclicβ-hairpinpeptideloadedPLGA nanoparticles:apotentialanti-amyloidtherapeutic.Materials Today
  12. Kheur,S.;Kheur,M.;Madiwal,V.;Sandhu,R.;Lakha,T.;Rajwade,J.;Eyüboğlu,T.F.;Özcan,M.InVitroEvaluationofPhotofunctionalizedImplantSurfacesinaHighGlucoseMicroenvironmentSimulatingDiabetics.J.Funct.Biomater.2023,14,130.
  13. Kumar,S.S.,Jamalpure,S.,Ahmed,A.N.,Taju,G.,Vimal,S.,Majeed,S.A.,Suryakodi,S.,Rahamathulla,S.,Paknikar,K.M.,Rajwade,J.M.,&Hameed,A.(2022).AnIndigenous,Field-Deployable,LateralFlowImmunochromatographicAssayRapidlyDetectsInfectiousMyonecrosisinShrimp,Litopenaeusvannamei.MarineBiotechnology(NewYork,N.Y.),24(6):1110-1124.Doi:10.1007/s10126-022-10172-6.
  14. DamleA.,SundaresanR.,RajwadeJ.M.,SrivastavaP.,NaikA.2022.Aconcisereviewonimplicationsofsilvernanoparticlesinbonetissueengineering.BiomaterialsAdvances.141,213099

Book chapters published

  1. Rajwade, J. M., Kawle, K., Kulkarni, S., Kowshik, M., (2023). Wound Treatment Using Nanomaterials. Nanobiomaterials: Perspectives for Medical Applications in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases, 145, 207-235.
  2. Introduction to Finfish Microbiome and Its Importance. (2023) Jyutika M. Rajwade, Snehal S. Kulkarni, Janhavi Vanjari in Microbiome of Finfish and Shellfish. Arvind Diwan, Sanjay N. Harke, Archana Panche (Eds). Springer Singapore. Pages 3-33
  3. Rajwade J. M., “An overview of myconanoparticles applications in veterinary medicine” in Fungal Cell Factories for Sustainable Nanomaterials Production and Agricultural Applications. Kamel Abd-Elsalam (Ed). Elsevier. 2023. pp. 657-692. dorg/10.1016/B978-0-323-99922-9.00019-2
  4. Rajwade, J. M., Oak, M. D., &Paknikar, K. M. (2024). Copper-based nanofungicides: The next generation of novel agrochemicals. InNanofungicidesKamel Abd-Elsalam (Ed). (pp. 141-168).
  5. J. Rajwade, A. Padhye,S. S. Kulkarni, (2024) Two-Dimensional (2D) Materials for Bio-sensing Applications. In.Two-dimensional Hybrid Composites Synthesis, Properties and Applications. eBook. N. Talreja, D. Chauhan, M. Ashfaq (Eds). Springer Singapore. Pp 227-258
  6. Rajwade J. M., Chikte R. G., N. Singh., Paknikar K. M. “Copper-based nanostructures: Antimicrobial properties against agri-food pathogens” in Copper Nanostructures: Next-Generation of Agrochemicals for Sustainable Agroecosystems. Kamel Abd-Elsalam (Ed). Elsevier. 2022. pp. 477-503.

Indian patents granted/filed

  1. A method for rapid isolation and purification of DNA.(No. 43488) June 2023. Inventors: M. K. Chaudhari, J. M. Rajwade, K. M. Paknikar
  2. Immunoassay,peptide-basedagentandfield-usablekitforearlyrapiddetectionofwhitespotsyndromevirus(No.393879).March2022.Inventors:P.K.Kulabhushan,J.M.Rajwade,K.M.Paknikar

Ph. D. awarded

  • Snehal Jamalpure: Development of point of care diagnostics for detection of viral pathogens affecting shrimp and prawns; Guide: Dr. J. M. Rajwade
  • Vaibhav Madiwal: Nanoscale surface modification of dental materials for preventing implant related failures. Guide: Dr. J. M. Rajwade

Other important information

Dr. Jyutika Rajwade is nominated to serve in the DST-WISE SCOPE Selection Committee for 3 years

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