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Name : Shri. Pranav R. Kshirsagar
Designation : Scientist – D, Bioenergy Group
Brief Background :
Chemical Engineering Scientist with expertise in natural product extraction, fermentation technology and bioenergy. Proven experience in the extraction and recovery of Azolla protein, along with optimization of process parameters using statistical methods. Skilled in biohydrogen and biomethane technologies, with a strong focus on the techno-economics of bioprocesses and chemical processes. Extensive experience in optimizing process parameters, design and development of process equipment, performing mass and energy balances, and analysing bioreaction dynamics in Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTRs) and technology demonstration and transfer. Proven ability to develop and implement effective operating strategies that enhance yield, efficiency, and sustainability in bioprocessing and chemical processing.
Mr. Pranav Kshirsagar, trained in chemical engineering, has developed expertise in process-specific mathematical modelling and statistical optimization techniques. His work revolves around improving process parameters to achieve optimal yields and productivity, particularly in microbial and chemical processes. He has extensive experience in operating large-scale digester, fermenters and downstream equipment, overseeing the scaling-up of processes. His contributions also include optimizing the large-scale recovery of proteins and enzymes, which are crucial for industrial biotechnology applications. Additionally, Mr. Kshirsagar’s expertise extends to conducting scale-up studies to ensure that processes remain efficient and sustainable when transitioned to larger production volumes.
Contact Details :
- Chemical Engineering (BE, M.Tech.)
Mr. Kshirsagar’s team at ARI is dedicated to exploring process parameter optimization by utilizing both conventional mathematical modelling and statistical-based techniques RSM, Taguchi, and Mixed design etc. Their research focuses on enhancing the yield and productivity of microbial and chemical processes, aiming to develop more efficient and sustainable processes. The team’s work is key in improving process performance through systematic modelling approaches, which allow for better control and optimization of variables that influence microbial fermentation and chemical production. By focusing on these methods, they aim to achieve increased sustainability and process efficiency in industrial applications.
- Bioenergy solutions (Biofuels: Biohydrogen and biomethane etc.)
- Extraction and recovery of protein and enzymes
- Design, and development of process equipments
- Process parameters optimization and kinetics, Mass and Energy balance
- Demonstration, Upscaling of technology and technology transfer
- Development of mathematical models for enhanced productivity
- Set up and Handling of pilot scale plants
- Larger scale process development studies
- Interested in studying the statistical optimization, kinetics and mathematical modelling and simulations, mass and energy balance, upscaling of aerobic and anaerobic fermentation processes, bioenergy, and techno-economic evaluation of processes
- Sponsored projects, research contracts , strategic process development.
- Consultancies and technical services to universities, institution and industries.
- Training on analytical sophisticated instruments, aerobic anaerobic fermentations, continuous centrifuge
Research Papers.: 14, Patents: Patent Filed: 04, Book Chapter: 02, Technology Transferred.: 02
Total number of publications: 19, Citation index: 436, H – Index: 09
- Pranav R. Kshirsagar, Snehal O. Kulkarni, Smita S. Nilegaonkar, Niveditha M., Pradnya P. 2013. Kanekar Kinetics and model building for recovery of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) from Halomonascampisalis. Separation and Purification Technology, 103: 151-160. (IF: 9.316), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2012.10.007
- Pranav Kshirsagar, Rahul Suttar, Smita Nilegaonkar, Snehal Kulkarni, Pradnya Kanekar. 2013. Scale up production of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) at different
- aeration, agitation and controlled dissolved oxygen levels in fermenter using Halomonascampisalis MCM B-1027 . Journal of Biochemical Technology. 4(1):512-517.
- Deepa J. Shetty , Pranav Kshirsagar, Sneha Tapadia-Maheshwari, Vikram Lanjekar, Sanjay K. Singh Prashant K. Dhakephalkar. 2017. Alkali pretreatment at ambient temperature: A promising method to enhance biomethanation of rice straw. Bioresource Technology, 226, 80-88. (IF: 9.642) , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2016.12.003
- Preeti Arora, P.R. Kshirsagar, Dolly Pal Rana, P.K. Dhakephalkar. 2019. Hyperthermophilic Clostridium sp. N-4 Produceda Glycoprotein Biosurfactant that Enhanced Recovery of Residual Oil at 96 °C in Lab Studies. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 182, 110372. (IF: 5.268), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2019.110372
- P. Zambare, S. S. Nilegaonkar, P. R. Kshirsagar, P. P. Kanekar. 2014. Scale up production of Protease using Pseudomonas aeruginosa MCM B-327 and its Detergent Compatibility J. Biochem. Tech (2014) 5(2): 698-707
- Rameshwar Avachar, Vikram Lanjekar, Pranav Kshirsagar, Prashant K Dhakephalkar, Sumit Singh Dagar, Abhishek Baghela. 2021. Buffalo rumen harbours diverse thermotolerant yeasts capable of producing second-generation bioethanol. Renewable energy, 173, 795-807. (IF: 8.001), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2021.04.002
- Padmanabh Mishra, Pranav Kshirsagar, Smita Nilegaonkar, Sanjay Singh. 2012. Statistical optimization of medium components for production of extracellular chitinase by Basidiobolusranarum: a novel biocontrol agent against plant pathogenic fungi.Journal of Basic Microbiology, 52, 1-10.(IF: 2.281), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2021.04.002
- Snehal O. Kulkarni, Pradnya P. Kanekar, Jyoti P. Jog, Prashant A. Patil, Smita S. Nilegaonkar, Seema S. Sarnaik, Pranav R. Kshirsagar. 2011. Characterisation of copolymer, poly(hydroxybutyrateco-hydroxyvalerate) (PHB-co-PHV) produced by Halomonascampisalis (MCM B-1027), its biodegradability and potential application. Bioresource Technology, 102, 6625- 6628.(IF: 9.642) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2011.03.054
- Bioaugmentation of anaerobic fungus Orpinomycesjoyonii boosts sustainable biomethanation of rice straw without pretreatment. Biomass and Bioenergy, 138 (105546), 1-5 138(105546), 1-5, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2020.105546
S Pandey, D Mukherjee, P Kshirsagar, C Patra, D Bodas. 2021. Multiplexed bio-imaging using cadmium telluride quantum dots synthesized by mathematically derived process parameters in a continuous flow active microreactor. Materials Today Bio, 11, 100123. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtbio.2021.100123
Research Publications-11, Book Chapters-02, Cumulative impact factor- 40.158, ‘h’ index- 05, i10 index-05
- Deepa Shetty, Akshay Joshi, Sumit Singh Dagar, Pranav Kshirsagar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar. Bioaugmentation of anaerobic fungus Orpinomyces joyonii boosts sustainable biomethanation of rice straw without pretreatment. Biomass and Bioenergy, 138, 105546.
- Anupama S. Engineer, Kunal K. Yadav, Pranav R. Kshirsagar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar. 2020. A novel enantioselective, thermostable recombinant hydantoinase to aid the synthesis of industrially valuable non-proteinogenic amino acids. Enzyme microbial Technology,138, 109554, 1-8.
- Preeti Arora, Pranav.R. Kshirsagar , Dolly Pal Rana , Prashant K. Dhakephalkar. Hyperthermophilic Clostridium sp. N-4 produced a glycoprotein biosurfactant that enhanced recovery of residual oil at 96 °C in lab studies.Colloids and Surfaces B. Biointerfaces, 182. 110372.1-7.
- Singh, Tanya; Kshirsagar, Pranav R; Das, Anindita; Yadav, Kunal; Mallik, Sweta; Mascarenhasâ€Pereira, MBL; Thomas, Tresa Remya A; Shivaramu, Mamatha S; LokaBharathi, PA; Khadge, NH. 2019. Implications of Microbial Thiosulfate Utilization in Red Clay Sediments of the Central Indian Basin: The Martian Analogy. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 20(2) 708-729.
- Anindita Das , Tanya Singh, P.A. LokaBharathi , Prashant K. Dhakephalkar , Sweta Mallik, Pranav R. Kshirsagar, N.H. Khadge , B. Nagender Nath et al. 2017. Astrobiological implications of dim light phototrophy in deep-sea red clays., Life Sciences in Space Research. 12, 39–50.
- Deepa J Shetty, Pranav Kshirsagar, Sneha Tapadia-Maheshwari, V Lanjekar, S K.Singh, P. K. Dhakephalkar*. 2017. “Alkali pretreatment at ambient temperature: A promising method to enhance biomethanation of rice straw.” Bioresource technology. 226: 80-88.
- Vasudeo P Zambare, Smita Nilegaonkar, Pranav Kshirsagar, PP Kanekar.2014. Scale up production of Protease using Pseudomonas aeruginosa MCM B-327 and its Detergent Compatibility. Journal of Biochemical Technology, 5(2) 698-707
- Kshirsagar, Pranav R; Kulkarni, Snehal O; Nilegaonkar, Smita S; Niveditha, M; Kanekar, Pradnya P. 2013. “Kinetics and model building for recovery of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) from Halomonas campisalis.” Separation and Purification Technology, 103, 151-160
- Kshirsagar, Pranav R; Suttar, Rahul; Nilegaonkar, Smita Shrikant; Pradhan, Snehal; Kanekar, Pradnya P. 2012. Scale up production of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) at different aeration, agitation and controlled dissolved oxygen levels in fermenter using Halomonas campisalis MCM B-1027. Journal of Biochemical Technology, 4(1), 512-51
- Mishra, P. R. Kshirsagar, S. S. Nilegaonkar* and S. K. Singh. 2012. Statistical optimization of medium components for production of extracellular chitinase by Basidiobolus ranarum: a novel biocontrol agent against plant pathogenic fungi. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 52, 1-10
- Kulkarni, Snehal O; Kanekar, Pradnya P; Jog, Jyoti P; Patil, Prashant A; Nilegaonkar, Smita S; Sarnaik, Seema S; Kshirsagar, Pranav R. (2011). “Characterisation of copolymer, poly (hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)(PHB-co-PHV) produced by Halomonas campisalis (MCM B-1027), its biodegradability and potential application.” Bioresource Technology 102(11): 6625-6628.