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Name : Dr. Sachin Jadhav
Designation : Scientist – E
Brief Background :
Scientific Career
- Scientist –D, Agharkar Research Institute Pune-Present
- Research Scientist,Stem Cell Research and Therapy. Dept. of Hematology, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, Sept 2008 to Nov.2013.
- Post-doctoral Fellow, Wayne State University, MI,USA , 2007
- Post-doctoral Fellow . Temple University, PA, USA (worked in collaboration with University of Pennsylvania, PA,USA), July 2005 to Dec.2006
- New Investigator’ award received in 98 th AACR (American Association for Cancer Research ) Annual Meeting 2007 held at LA, CA,USA
- Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI)-JRF
- Agricultural scientist recruitment board certification for lectureship
- Bhrid Bhartiya Samaj(Gold Medal)Scholarship for post-graduate studies
- Mahatma Phule merit cum scholarship for graduate studies
Contact Details :
shjadhav@aripune.org, drshjadhav127@yahoo.co.in
+ 91-20-25325139
0091 20 25651542 (Fax)
- PhD in Veterinary Pharmacology (2005) from Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI),Bareilly ,UP Institute (India)
- MVSc in Veterinary Pharmacology (2001) from Marathwada Agriculture University ,MS (India)
Laboratory animal care and development of animal models
- The main activity of animal facility staff is to breed and maintain the laboratory animal colonies in complete compliance with the CPCSEA and in-house animal care principles, rules, regulations and guidelines.
- We have developed various animal disease models such as acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, myocardial infarction,experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, diabetes, osteochondral defect, breast cancer, alzheimer’s disease, inflammation induced anaemia,, lethal hemorrhagic injury, chronic wound excision etc for testing of various biological active molecules.
Stem cell research and therapy
- We have isolated stem cells from various tissue sources viz.fetal kidney, fetal heart and bone marrow. We further tested their therapeutic efficacy in different animal disease models viz. acute renal failure, myocardial infarction, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and global heart failure.
- We are now focusing on the development of novel methods for non viral transfection of cardiac specific transcription factors to induce cardiomyocytes from cardiac fibroblast in ischemic myocardial infraction settings.
miRNA based therapeutics for various diseases
- We are working to develop miRNA based therapeutics for acute and chronic renal failure, and had intramural project on the same
- We evaluated potential of nanoparticles based delivery of miRNAs for myocardial repair and
- Recently we are interested to unveil the miRNA mediated signalling molecules that regulate the cross talk between autophagy and apoptosis after myocardial infarction
Biomedical Applications of nanotechnology
- WE evaluated potential of bacterial cellulose based bilayered scaffolds in a rat model of osteochondral defects and showed progressive regeneration of cartilage
- We determined anticancer activity of truncated domain of SMAR1 protein (His 5) loaded on Carbon nanospheres (CNS) in mice bearing breast tumours
- We are now studying combination therapy of surface functionalized Lanthanum Strontium Manganese Oxide nanoparticles mediated hyperthermia along with doxorubicin for the treatment of breast cancer
Papers published in refereed journals
- D.Khairnar,A.Padhye,V.Madiwal,A.Jha,S.H.Jadhav,J.M.Rajwade.(2023)Cyclicβ-hairpinpeptideloadedPLGA nanoparticles:apotentialanti-amyloidtherapeutic.Materials Today Communications35:106322.doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.106322(IF:3.8)
- Padhye-PendseA,UmraniR,PaknikarK,JadhavS,RajwadeJ.LifeSci.2024Jun15;347:122667.(IF:4.6)
- S. Tawre, A. Padhye, S. Chakraborty, N. Kulkarni, G. Bose, S. Mittal, U. Jadhav, S. Jadhav, J.M. Rajwade, K. Pardesi, Bioactive Curcuma aromatica-stabilized silver nanoparticles embedded chitosan dressing with improved antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing properties. Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications 8 (2024) 100570.
- Savardekar A, Fernandes E, Padhye-Pendse A, Gupta T, Pol J, Phadke M, Desai S, Jadhav S, Rajwade J, Banerjee A. Adipocytes Promote Endometrial Cancer Progression Through Activation of the SIRT1-HMMR Signaling Axis. Molecular Carcinogenesis. 2024 1002/mc.23815. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39254492.
- Henry Kolge, Gokul Patil, Sachin Jadhav Vandana Ghormade (2023) A pH-tuned chitosan-PLGA nanocarrier for fluconazole delivery reduces toxicity and improves efficacy against resistant Int J Biol Macromol 227 (2023) 453–461 B
- Gokul Patil, Rutuja Pawar, Sachin Jadhav and VandanaGhormade 2022, A chitosan based multimodal “soft” hydrogel for rapid hemostasis of non-compressible hemorrhages and its mode of action. Carbohydr Polym Technol Appl 4: 100237
- Shete, N.Ghatpande , M.Varma , P.Joshi , K. Suryavanshi, A. Misar, S. Jadhav , P.Apte , P. Kulkarni . Chronic dietary iron overload affects hepatic iron metabolism and cognitive behavior in Wistar rats J Trace Elem Med Biol doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2024.127422. Epub 2024 Mar 2.
- Singh, K. Patel , A.Navalkar , P. Kadu, D. Datta , D. Chatterjee , S. Mukherjee , A. Shaw , S. Jadhav , S. K Maji.(2023) Amyloid fibril-based thixotropic hydrogels for modeling of tumor spheroids in vitro. Biomaterials 295(10):122032.
- Neha Kulkarni-Dwivedi, R Patel , B.Shravage , R.D. Umrani, K.Paknikar , S. H Jadhav. Hyperthermia and doxorubicin release by Fol-LSMO nanoparticles induce apoptosis and autophagy in breast cancer cells Nanomedicine (Lond)2022 Oct;17(25):1929-1949.doi: 10.2217/nnm-2022-0171.
- R J Waghole,AV Misar, F Khan , D G Naik , S H Jadhav . In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of Tetrastigmasulcatum leaf extract, pure compound and its derivatives. Inflammopharmacology 2022 Feb;30(1):291-311.
- A Navalkar ,S Pandey,NSingh,KPatel,DDatta,B Mohanty ,S Jadhav,PChaudhari,S.K Mazi. Direct evidence of cellular transformation by prion-like p53 amyloid infection. J Cell Sci. 2021 Jun 1;134(11)
Ph. D. awarded
- Neha Kulkarni: Studies on surface functionalized Lanthanum Strontium Manganese Oxide nanoparticles mediated hyperthermia for the treatment of breast cancer Guide: Dr. S. H. Jadhav