Name : Deepak Bankar
Designation : Laboratory Assistant – C
Job Description :
Assist in development of high yielding, disease resistant and end user quality Wheat (T. aestivum, T. durum and T. dicoccum) varieties.Conduction of national coordinated and Station trials.
Involved in various activities like, field layout, trial composition, sowing, data recording, intercultural operations, harvesting, post-harvest data, data processing,Crossing, Selection, Nucleus seed and Breeder seed production,Germplasm Screening and maintenance, front line demonstrations etc.
Contact Details :
dnbankar@aripune.org, deepakbankar1984@gmail.com
- B.Sc. Agriculture
- J. Yashavantha Kumar, V. S. Baviskar, B. K. Honrao, S. C. Misra, A. M. Chavan, V. D. Surve, V. M. Khade, J. H. Bagwan, V. D. Gite, S. S. Khairnar, D. N. Bankar and Sudhir Navathe Notification of crop varieties and registration of germplasm Durum Wheat MACS 3949. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 79(4): 765-769. Impact Factor: 0.6 Jan 2020.
- S. Baviskar, K. J. Yashavantha Kumar, B. K. Honrao, S. C. Misra, A. M. Chavan, V. D. Surve, V. M. Khade, J. H. Bagwan, V. D. Gite, S. S. Khairnar, D. N. Bankar and Sudhir Navathe Notification of crop varieties and registration of germplasm Biofortified Wheat MACS 4028. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 79(4): 765-769. Impact Factor: 0.6. Jan 2020.
- Bankar D N, Baviskar V S, Yashavantha kumar K J, Raskar S S, Khairnar S S, Gite V D, Surve V D, Bagwan J H and Honrao B K. 2018. Evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes for changing climatic condition under different sowing windows in semi-arid tropics of western Maharashtra. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. Vol. 7(4): 761-770.April 2018.
- Gite VD, Bankar DN, Yashavantha Kumar KJ, Baviskar VS, Honrao BK, Chavan AM, Surve VD, Raskar SS, Khairnar SS, Bagwan JH and Khade VM Genetic variability parameters and correlation study in elite genotypes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Journal of Pharmacognosy & phytochemistry. 2018; SP1: 3118-3123.April 2018.
- Khairnar SS, Baviskar VS, Yashavantha Kumar KJ, Raskar SS, Bankar DN, Bagwan JH, Gite VD and Honrao BK Evaluation of wheat genotypes suitable for different nitrogen levels on growth, yields attributes and yield of wheat under rainfed environment in peninsular zone in Journal of Pharmacognosy & phytochemistry. 2018; SP1: 2912-2916.April 2018.
- Khairnar S S, Bagwan J H, Yashavantha kumar K J*, Baviskar V S, Honrao B K, Surve V D, Khade V M, Chavan A M and Bankar DNStudies on genetic variability parameters and character association in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under timely and late sown environments of irrigated condition in Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding. 9(1):190 – 198 (Mar 2018).
- Oak M.D., Patil R.M., Bankar D.N., Bagwan J.H., Bipinraj A. L., Tamhankar S.A., Honrao K., Misra S.C. Performance of durum wheat lines for quality and rust resistance. J. Wheat Res.3: 71-72. (2011)
- Annapurna B., N. Bankar, R.M. Patil, V.M. Khade, V.D. Surve, A.M. Chavan, J.H. Bagwan, S.P. Taware, B.K. Honrao and S.C. Misra. Genetic studies for improvement of spike characters in bread wheat. J of wheat Res. 3(2):64-68. (2011)
- Patil RM, Annapurna B, Oak MD, Honrao BK, Khade VM, Chavan AM, Surve VD,Bagwan JH, Bankar DN, Katore T, Misra SC Impact of climate change on production, quality and disease resistance in wheat. Genhu Evam JauSwarnima 3: 46-51(Hindi) (2011)
- Misra S.C., Honrao B.K., Bhagwat M.D., Chavan A.M., Khade V.M., Surve V., Patil R.M., Bagwan J. and Bankar D.N. (2010). Notification of crop varieties and registration of germplasm: MACS 2971; a new dicoccum wheat variety. Indian J Genet. 70(3): 307-310.
Abstracts published
- Vijendra Baviskar, Balagounda Honrao, Yashavantha KJ, Vilas Surve, Deepak Bankar, Vitthal Gite, Ajit Chavan, Vijay Khade, JH Bagwan, SS Khairnar and SS Raskar. 2018. Economic impact of front line demonstrations in wheat in the semi-arid tropics of western Maharashtra, India. Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) Technical Workshop held at Marrakech, Morocco during 14 to 17 April, 2018.
- Balagounda Honrao, Yashavanthakumar Kakanur, Vijendra Baviskar, Ajit Chavan, Vilas Surve, Vijay Khade, Juned Bagwan, Vitthal Gite, Shrikant Khairnar, Sameer Raskar, Deepak Bankar and Satish Misra. 2018. A new durum (Triticum durum Desf.) wheat variety MACS 3949 developed for rich nutritional pasta quality with high zinc and iron. Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) Technical Workshop held at Marrakech, Morocco during 14 to 17 April, 2018.
- Juned Bagwan, Shrikant Khairnar, Yashavantha Kumar Kakanur, Balagounda Honrao, Vijendra Baviskar, Ajit Chavan, Vitthal Gite, Deepak Bankar, Sameer Raskar and Satish Chandra Misra. Investigation on heat stress tolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for the conditions of terminal heat stress. Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) Technical Workshop held at Marrakech, Morocco during 14 to 17 April, 2018.
- Bankar DN, Baviskar VS, Yashavantha Kumar KJ, Raskar SS, Khairnar SS, Gite VD, Surve VD, Bagwan JH and Honrao BK. Evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes for changing climatic condition under different sowing windows in semi-arid tropics of western Maharashtra in International Seminar on Global Climate Change: Implications for Agriculture and Water Sectors, Abstract Bookpg. 341, December 14-16, 2017, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
- Khairnar SS, Baviskar VS, Yashavantha Kumar KJ, Raskar SS, Bankar DN, Bagwan JH, Gite VD and Honrao BK. Evaluation of wheat genotypes suitable for different nitrogen levels on growth, yield attributes and yield ofWheat under rainfed environment in peninsular zone Maharashtra in International Seminar on Global Climate Change: Implications for Agriculture and Water Sectors, Abstract Bookpg. 163, December 14-16, 2017, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
Popular Articles
- Vijendra Baviskar, Vilas Surve and Deepak Bankar. खपलीगव्हाचेआंतरमशागतवपाणीव्यवस्थापन. Agrotouch Magazine. Jan.2020.
- Baviskar VS and Bankar DN. जिरायतीगहूपिकासाठीओलावामहत्वाचा. Agrowon, 6 November 2018, Pg. 12.
- Bankar DN, Gite VD, Honrao BK, Yashwantkumar KJ, Baviskar VS, Khade VM, Bagwan JH, Surve VD, Khairnar SS and Raskar SS. रबीहंगामातीलगहूव्यवस्थापनवसुधारितवाण,बळीराजामासिक, December 2017, Pg 52-55.
- Chavan AM, Honrao BK, Yashwant Kumar KJ, Baviskar VS, Bagwan JH, surve VD, Khade VM, Gite VD, Khairnar SS, Bankar DN and Raskar SS. आरोग्यदायीखपलीगहूलागवडतंत्रज्ञान. बळीराजामासिक, October 2017, Pg 86-87.
- Raskar SS, Bankar DN and Baviskar VS.बियाणेसाठवणपद्धती.Pragati (Sakal), September 2017, Pg 2.
- N. Bankar, V. D. Surve V. D. Gite ,Juned Bagwan गहूलागवडीचेसुधारीततंत्र,सकाळप्रगती, November 2015.
- Participated in the training on “Coordinated Trial Conduction, Data Recording and Reporting” from February 03-05, 2020”, at ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal.
- Participated in National Science Day exhibition at GMRT, Khodad, Narayangaon on 28 February 2019 and 1 March 2019.
- Attained “ICAR-CIMMYT molecular breeding course in wheat”, 25-27August, 2013.Organized at Directorate of Wheat Research, ICAR, Karnal.BMZ Funded Project “Increasing the productivity of the wheat crop under conditions of rising temperatures and water scarcity in south Asia”.
- Participated in Yashwantrao Chavan Agri, Industries, Animals & Birds Exhibition held at Karad, Dist. Satara during 24-28 November 2010.
- Participated as volunteer in “46th All India Wheat and Barley research Workers Meet” Jointly organized by Agharkar Research Institute, Pune and College of Agriculture, Pune at College of agriculture, Pune (MPKV) from 22nd August 2007 to 27thAugust 2007.
One of contributor in release of Six Wheat varieties for PZ Maharashtra
Sr.No. |
Variety |
Type |
Notified year |
1 |
MACS 2971 |
T.dicoccum |
2009 |
2 |
MACS 6222 |
T.aestivum |
2010 |
3 |
MACS 6478 |
T.aestivum |
2014 |
4 |
MACS 3949 |
T.durum |
2017 |
5 |
MACS 4028 |
T. durum |
2018 |
6 |
MACS 4058 |
T. durum |
2020 |