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Name : Dr. Subhash Gaikwad
Designation : Technical Officer – A
Job Description :
- Exploration of Biodiversity rich localities for survey and collection of Fungi & Lichens samples.
- Arranging herbarium specimens for accession in Ajrekar Mycological Herbarium(AMH – Fungi & Lichens).
- Chemo-taxonomic studies of Lichens
- Studies on lichen metabolites for its various biological activities.
- Preservation of fungal cultures and their long-term maintenance.
Contact Details :
9049852220 ,020-25325110
- M.Sc., Ph.D. (Botany)
Research Publications:
- Sutar, R. R., Mapari, S. V., Gaikwad, S. B., Khare, R., &Behera, B. C. (2024). An investigation on the cardioprotective potential of lichen compound protocetraric acid by H2O2-induced toxicity in H9c2 rat heart cells through in vitro and in silico analysis. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology, 1-18.
- Sonawane, H., Shelke, D., Arya, S., Ghole, V., Behra, B., & Gaikwad, S.B. (2024). Hypoglycemic and hepatoprotective activity of Phellinus fastuosus on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and carbon tetrachloride-intoxicated rats, respectively. Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(1), 79
- Thakare, Y., Shelke, D., Sonawane, H., Ahire, S., Champaneria, P., Borde, M., … & Gaikwad, S.B. (2024). Molecular and metabolites characterisation of Inonotusrickii: a medicinal mushroom from Western Ghats of India and its biological activities. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1-17.
- Ansil, P. A., KC, R., Sruthi, O. P., Gaikwad, S. B., & Sharma, B. (2023). Decoding the evolutionary association among lichen symbionts in Dyplolabiaafzelii from the Western Ghats, India. Microbial Biosystems, 8(2), 17-24.
- Gaikwad, S. B., Mapari, S. V., Sutar, R. R., Syed, M., Khare, R., &Behera, B. C. (2023). In Vitro and in Silico Studies of Lichen Compounds Atranorin and Salazinic Acid as Potential Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Anticancer Agents. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 20(12), e202301229.
- Sharma, B., Fatima, S., Rajeshkumar, K.C., Škaloud, P., Divakar, P.K., Gaikwad, S. B., Ansil, P.A., Mohan, A.S. and Sequeira, S.Y., (2023). Molecular studies of Flavopunctelia and Punctelia species and their Trebouxia photobiont from the Himalayas, India. Mycotaxon, 137(4), 853-869.
- Khare, R., Gaikwad, S. B., Mapari, S., Ade, A. B., &Behera, B. C. (2022). Primary Investigation of Lichenized Fungi in and around High-altitude Sacred Wetland Hemkund in Western Himalaya. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 6(01), 45-51.
- Fatima, S., PA, A., KC, R., Sharma, B., Gaikwad, S. B., Mohan, A., &Sequeira, S. (2021). Deciphering the symbiosis of endemic Usneaghattensis and their photobiont Trebouxia sp. through molecular tools from the northern Western Ghats, India. Microbial Biosystems, 6(2), 30-42.
- Sutar, R. R., Gaikwad, S. B., Mapari, S. V., &Behera, B. C. (2021). Lichens: traditional use and biological activities. Bot Pac, 10, 69-82.
- Mapari, S.V., Gaikwad, S. B., Khare, R., Syed, M., Doshi, P., &Behera, B. C. (2021). Neuroprotective potential of selected lichen compounds on mouse neuroblastoma (N2a) cells. EXCLI journal, 20, 491.
- Wijayawardene, N. N., Hyde, K. D., Al-Ani, L. K. T., Tedersoo, L., Haelewaters, D., Rajeshkumar, K. C., … Gaikwad, S. B., … &Castañeda-Ruiz, R. F. (2020). Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere Online: Journal of Fungal Biology, 11(1), 1060-1456.
- Singh, S. K., Singh, P. N., Gaikwad, S. B., &Maurya, D. K. (2018). Conservation of Fungi: a review on conventional approaches. Microbial Resource Conservation: Conventional to Modern Approaches, 223-237.
- Wijayawardene, N. N., Hyde, K. D., Rajeshkumar, K. C., Hawksworth, D. L., Madrid, H., Kirk, P. M., … Gaikwad, S. B., … &Karunarathna, S. C. (2017). Notes for genera: Ascomycota. Fungal diversity, 86, 1-594.
- Rana, S., Singh, P. N., Gaikwad, S. B., & Singh, S. K. (2018). Morphology, phylogeny and ex situ conservation of Arthriniumrasikravindrae (Apiosporaceae: Xylariales): a new record from India.
- Savale, S. A., Pol, C. S., Khare, R., Verma, N., Gaikwad, S. B., Mandal, B., &Behera, B. C. (2016). Radical scavenging, prolyl endopeptidase inhibitory, and antimicrobial potential of a cultured Himalayan lichen Cetreliaolivetorum. Pharmaceutical Biology, 54(4), 692-700.
- Behera, B. C., Morey, M. V., & Gaikwad, S. B. (2016). Anti-lipoxygenase, radical scavenging and antimicrobial activities of lichen species of genus Heterodermia (Physciaceae). Botanica Pacifica: A Journal of Plant Science and Conservation, 5(1), 79-85.
- Gaikwad, S. B., Verma, N., Sharma, B. O., &Behera, B. C. (2014). Growth promoting effects of some lichen metabolites on probiotic bacteria. Journal of food science and technology, 51, 2624-2631.
- Rajeshkumar, K. C., Hepat, R. P., Gaikwad, S. B., & Singh, S. K. (2011). Pilidiellacrousii sp. nov. from the northern Western Ghats, India. Mycotaxon, 115(1), 155-162.
- Singh, P. N., Gaikwad, S. B., & Singh, S. K. (2007). Two interesting and undescribed species of Septoria from India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, 31(2), 543-546.
Association with Scientific Society (Membership):
- Mycological Society of India-MSI (Life Member)
- Indian Lichenological Society-ILS (Life Member)
- Association of Fungal Biologists – AFB(Life Member)